Pay Open Balances Control Overview

As of 7.6.0, this control has been visually redesigned for optimal performance for mobile users.

The Pay Open Balances control allows your web users to pay the open balance for an order. Please note the following for this control:

·            For scheduled payment amounts, the web user only pays the portion that is due and not the full amount.

·            Web users are unable to modify the payment amount.

·            Orders are NOT updated from this control in any way other than applying the payment.

·            Both active and proforma orders with an open balance will display. As a best practice, it is highly recommended that you run ORD500 batch process in order to remove proforma orders.

·            If you do not wish to allow your web users to pay for an order via credit card, you will need to customize this control; this is NOT a configuration option.

NoteeChecks require US Dollars. If your organization is using multi-currency, this field should NOT be enabled for portals not using US Dollars as their base currency.

For more information on the web settings for this control, please see Configuring the Web Settings for the Pay Open Balances Control.

Although web users cannot apply coupons to orders using the Pay Open Balances control, the Pay Open Balances control is included in the Membership Renew process via the "Pay Order Page URL" control setting. Therefore, if the web user accesses the Pay Open Balances control by clicking "Pay Now" from the Membership Renewal control, the coupon field will display.

Customer Impact

After configuring the Pay Open Balances control, your web users will see the control similar to the one displayed below.

If the web user expands a row, he/she can see additional details about his/her purchase, as shown below.

When the web user checks the checkbox next to an order, if the Allow Saved Credit Cards? checkbox is checked in the web settings for this control, the web user's saved credit cards display, as shown below.


If the Allow Saved Credit Cards? checkbox is NOT checked in the web settings for this control, the page displays as shown below when the web user checks a checkbox next to an order.

If your organization uses Group Management, when a group manager encounters the Pay Open Balances control, it behaves and/or renders differently depending if the group manager is viewing his/her list of existing orders, the group's list of existing orders, or a member of the group's list of existing orders. If the group manager is paying his/her OWN orders, the Pay Open Balances control will respect the configuration to allow credit cards to be saved to a user's account. If the group manager is paying for a GROUP's order, the Pay Open Balances control will also respect the configuration to allow credit cards to be saved to the group's account. This can be set to show a grid of saved credit cards or to display the credit card data entry fields with the checkbox option to save the newly entered card for future use; however, a group manager does not have the option to save a credit card for future use. Please note that these are separate pages that must be set up for the group’s account vs. the logged in user’s account. If the group manager is paying a GROUP MEMBER's order, the Pay Open Balances control will also respect the configuration to allow credit cards to be saved to the group member's profile. Please note that these are separate pages that must be set up for the group member’s account vs. the logged in user’s account.

If the web user clicks Add a New Card, the page displays as shown below.

If the web user checks the Save this Credit Card Information? checkbox, the credit card will display in the Saved Credit Cards control.

eChecks require US Dollars. If your organization is using multi-currency, eChecks should NOT be used for portals not using US Dollars as the base currency.

As of 7.5.0, if the open E-commerce batch includes an e-Check (i.e., the eCheck checkbox is checked on the Receipt Types and Cash Accounts screen in Organizational Unit Maintenance) receipt type, the Pay by eCheck option displays. Please note that as of 7.6.0, this section will look differently depending on the payment handler defined for the eCheck receipt type in the E-commerce batch, as Vantiv eCheck processing is now supported. For more information, please see Using eChecks in Personify360.


If the web user clicks What's this from the Bank Routing Number or Bank Account Number fields, the ECheck Information window displays, as shown below.


As of 7.6.1, if the open E-commerce batch includes a PayPal (i.e., the PayPal checkbox is checked on the Receipt Types and Cash Accounts screen in Organizational Unit Maintenance) receipt type, the Pay with PayPal option displays, as shown below.


Please note that PayPal will not be presented to the web user as an available payment method if any of the following conditions exist:


When the web user opts to make a payment by PayPal, the system will present the web user with a PayPal login screen so the web user can enter their PayPal username and password. When the web user then clicks “Continue” on the PayPal screen, the system will return the web user to the organization’s payment page and PayPal will return the following information:


With this information, the system then gets an authorization for the payment from the payment handler, which is stored in Ccp_Req_Ans in a PRE-SALE or PRE-AUTH record along with the PayPal information. CCP610 will then settle the PRE-SALE authorization.